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    Corporation | Departments | Municipal Secretary


    Secretary Office is Corporation's allocated branch which is governed by the rules and regulation prescribed under the BPMC Act -1949.

    The Secretary Office shall put up the proposal received from Municipal Commissioner or any Councilor before the concern committees.

    Prime Duties of Secretary Office

    The Secretary Office shall perform such duties as is directed by or under the BPMC Act with regard to the Corporation and the Standing Committee as shall be required by those bodies respectively. The Secretary Office has the custody of Municipal Seal. As per the provisions of the BPMC Act, 1949, the Municipal Seal must be affixed on each & every contract executed between the party & Municipal Corporation in the witness of two councilors of existing Standing Committee. All papers and documents connected with proceedings of General Board, Standing committee and Other Committees are maintained by Secretary Office.

    Further Relevant Duties

    The Secretary Office shall have to deliver the Agenda of business to each of the Councilors to their last known address. Each notice of the meeting shall be given specifying the date, time and place where the business mentioned in the same shall be carried out, by the Secretary Branch. There is a special provision for the notice of the meeting of General Board that the same shall be published in a daily news paper having substantial circulation and, as far as practicable.

    Keeping of Minutes and submission of Report

    • Keeping the minutes of the meeting is the responsibility of the Secretary Office. Municipal Secretary shall keep the minutes of the meetings of General Board, Standing Committee and other Special Committees. Details shall include the names of members present in the meeting as well as proceedings of the meeting
    • The Secretary Office has to ensure smooth functioning of every meeting of General Board, Standing Committee and other Special Committees.

    The Secretary Office shall be under the control and supervision of the Standing Committee.


    Receipt of Proposal

    The aim of Secretary Office is to receive the proposal from Various Departments through proper Channel like Municipal Commissioner, Chief Auditor or any Councilor of the body etc.

    Prepare Agenda

    All the proposals should be put on the agenda of concerned Committees as per the sequence in which they were received. Proposals received first will be put higher on the Agenda.


    In the meeting of all Committees, they must follow the agenda for their work discussion and give the opinion/decision to pass the resolution for particular work of the same.

    Resolution number sequence

    The Secretary Branch should follow the Sequence carry forward resolution number of last committee meeting's allotted to previous work agenda, the number start at every succeeding year to carry forward for last day of the same year.

    Dispatch the Relevant File to their Concerned Official with Resolution

    After resolution procedure the department should forward the relevant proposal file with resolution to the Municipal Commissioner, Chief Auditor or the relevant channel from where it received for the approval.