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    Introduction to the Accounting System of AMC

    The accounting system of Amdavad Municipal Corporation (AMC) has been developed to comply with the statutory requirement of The Bombay Provincial Municipal Corporation Act (BPMC Act), 1949. The system is designed on the basis of the accounting principles and the methods of applying those principles in the preparation and presentation of financial statements by AMC. AMC has maintained credit rating for Municipal Bonds at "CARE AA" (Double A) from CARE Rating. Ahmedabad Municipal Corporation has issued Municipal Bonds first time in India in the year 1998, 2002, 2004 and 2005.

    In order to align the National Level perspectives of reforms in municipal finance and financial management with that of the State Government, Ministry of Urban Development, (GOI) has formulated Municipal Accounting Manual. The manual contains accounting policies, procedures and guidelines to ensure correct and timely recording of Municipal transactions so that accurate and relevant financial reports are generated.

    The books of accounts are maintained as per double entry accounting system and financial statements are prepared as per accrual system of accounting. Hence, the system can be said to be matching with National Municipal Accounting Manual. The reports generated meet with requirement of various user groups. Since the adoption of double entry accounting system, we have Public Financial Management cycle which includes following internal control:

    1. Payment Control
    2. Receipt Control
    3. Budgetary Control
    4. Efficient Pre-Audit System

    Organizational structure of Finance department

    Roles and Functions / Objectives of Department

    There are four major branches in Finance department are: 

    (A) Budget Department :

    The budget branch mainly prepares annual budget for Amdavad Municipal Corporation in the month of December-January every year. At Present corporation budget is prepared on the basis of works suggested and recommended by ward committee. The budget branch is also maintaining budget booking, budget opinion and release of cash- flow. The budget booking is decentralized; therefore budget booking for zonal works is done by their zonal offices. The budget branch also maintains loan / grants portfolio.

    The chart of accounts is adopted by AMC with the object of providing an exhaustive data base by breaking down the main head of accounts (Subject wise) to sub-heads and sub-sub-heads. A coding structure has also been developed for the chart of accounts to identify transactions account's head-wise and service wise and also budget / cost center wise to facilitate management in planning, budgetary control and costing of major services.

    (B) Treasury Department :

    All payments to vendors and suppliers are being made through ECS (Electronic Clearing Service) and RTGS (Real Time Gross Settlement). AMC has introduced online computerized billing system.

    (C) General Department :

    Employee service book related opinions (promotion, suspension, increment, leaves and special opinions) are given by this branch and Department also makes retirement benefit payment to employee of Amdavad Municipal Corporation. This branch also works for monthly pension to pensioners.

    (D) Payment Department :

    Branches of Payment Department as follows:

    Welfare Loan Branch :

    This branch lends welfare loan to all permanent employees of AMC for a period of 36 months. The entire process is computerized. This branch is also maintaining loan acclivity of employee.

    PF Branch :

    This branch maintains GPF, CPF and New PF of employees through computerized system and also gives PF loan to employees.

    Medical reimbursement Branch :

    Inward of pensioned employee's medical reimbursement bill file.Approval and billing process for medical reimbursement bills online.

    Payment Branch:

    All the bills prepared by all the departments of AMC through Financial Accounting System bill module are inwarded online in finance dept. and forwarded for payment after checking of budget and cash flow provision online.

    Details of Official of the Department

    Sr.No. Name of Officer Designation Contact Number

    Shri Arjav J. Shah

    Dy. Municipal Commissioner (Finance)



    Shri Amish B. Shah

    Chief Accountant



    Shri Bhavin Pandya

    Addl. Chief Accountant (Budget)



    Shri Dipakkumar Itadariya

    Dy. Chief Accountant (Treasury)



    Shri Yogesh Prajapati

    I/c Dy. Chief Accountant (General)



    Shri Biren Shah

    I/c. Chief Accountant (Payment)



    Shri Jatin Patel

    Asst. Manager (Budget)



    Shri Ankita Modi

    Asst. Manager (Treasury )



    Shri Sharmil Bhau

    I/c. Asst. Manager (Payment)



    Shri Yogesh Prajapati

    Asst. Manager (General)
